Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Cookoff, Part 2: The Retaliation (Rebecca's Remarks)

You know what they say...

You snooze, you lose.

These are words of wisdom. They hold truth. And today, these words are particularly appropriate. After reading the post below from "Al the Angry Chef," I was feeling somewhat intimidated and nervous for our upcoming competition.

 Al the Angry Chef, or Al the Tired Chef?

Despite this, things have changed. As I type these words, Angry Al lies asleep, napping. On the day of this momentous contest, he is "resting his eyes"! Perhaps he has realized that he's going to need some serious energy to compete against the obvious victor-to-be. I may not be known in Nashville, but around here they call me RB the Rock Star [In the Kitchen]. I'm not really one to "boast," but yeah, I kind of do rock.

So I guess our cookoff will prove the old saying...the snoozer may just be the loser. I guess we'll have to wait and see! I know which chef I'm betting on today, though.

Lots of love!
- RB

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